Thomas Smallman's blog

Update of the website -- 32nd Annual Basic Science Coursel; COA Basic Science Scholarship; Feedback

The presentations from this year's course have now been posted on the website. The work of converting and renaming the files is almost complete.

BSC 2019 is now history...

From the point of view of the Faculty, the course went very well.  The COA, under Doug Thompson, and now Cynthia Vezina, in its important role of supporting education, has incorporated this co

One week before the course...

It has been an interesting time.  We have been trying to get all of the videos available to you for the opening day sessions -- Boot Camp, and Osteogenesis.One week ago the last of 4 videos, O

4 Oct 19, communication wrt the course, video postings

We are concerned that the participants all have access to the site, and to the blog posts.

Welcome to the COA BSC Blog!

We are one month away from the 32nd Course.

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